Welcome to the Eider

Now she is in Motala again

S / S Ejdern was built in 1880 at Gothenburg's mechanical workshop to go in coastal traffic in the Gothenburg archipelago and was launched on 14 May the same year. Between the years 1898 and 1906, Ejdern trafficked the waters around Lake Roxen to eventually end up in Södertälje.

And today she is the World's Oldest Propeller Powered Coal Fired Steamship with Original Machine still in operation .. More about the ship and the association.

The museum association Ångfartyget Ejdern

The museum association Ångfartyget Ejdern shall work to ensure that S / S Ejdern - through voluntary efforts within the association - is preserved as a living communication historical monument in Södertälje. More about the ship and the association.

Sign up

You become a member by depositing the membership fee at Bankgiro 826-8302 or Swisha to 123 033 79 64.
Membership costs SEK 200 per year for one person or SEK 300 per year for a family (children under 18 living at home).
Enclose postal address and / or e-mail address.
As a member, you support the preservation of the Eider and receive four information sheets per year as well as the opportunity to go on the annual membership trip at a discounted price.

Work on board

Are you 16 years or older and want to try sailor life. Then you are most welcome to the boat to register your interest. Or sign up via email to chancellery. If you enjoy it and want to keep going, we'll help you with safety training and medical certification for seafarers. One small detail is that we in the crew work on a voluntary basis. So unfortunately we can't offer a salary.

Maintenance continues

This winter will also be spent there to carry out the renovation of the engine room and hull.

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